Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is a type of tech­nol­ogy sup­ported education/learning where the medium of instruc­tion is through com­puter tech­nol­ogy, and par­tic­u­larly involv­ing dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies. There are some instances where there is no face– to– face inter­ac­tion. E-learning has been used inter­change­ably in a wide vari­ety of con­texts, educa­tive and oth­er­wise. It is a planned teach­ing and learn­ing expe­ri­ence that uses mainly inter­net or is computer-based, to reach learners.

Recently in most insti­tu­tions of higher learn­ing, e-learning has been used to define a spe­cific mode to attend courses or pro­grammes of study where the stu­dents rarely attend the tra­di­tional face-to-face classes and for on-campus access to edu­ca­tional facil­i­ties. Stu­dents are also able to take inter­na­tional classes from lec­tur­ers and instruc­tors miles away. Dif­fer­ent cur­ricu­lums and syl­labi are also trans­mit­ted in this way. Exam­in­ers too eval­u­ate online.
e-learning Today and Tomorrow

e-learning Today and Tomorrow

These lessons are gen­er­ally intended to guide stu­dents through infor­ma­tion or to help stu­dents carry out spe­cific tasks. In the information-based con­tent, there is no spe­cific skill to be learned while in performance-based con­tent, the lessons build tech­ni­cal skills in which the stu­dent is expected to increase proficiency.

Sta­tis­tics have shown that by 2006, nearly 3.5 mil­lion stu­dents were par­tic­i­pat­ing in on-line learn­ing at insti­tu­tions of higher edu­ca­tion in the United States. Many higher edu­ca­tion for-profit insti­tu­tions, now offer on-line classes com­pared to only about half of pri­vate, non-profit schools offer them. Research has also shown that stu­dents gen­er­ally appear to be as sat­is­fied with their on-line classes as they are with tra­di­tional ones. It also shows that pri­vate insti­tu­tions may become more involved as the cost of insti­tut­ing such a sys­tem decreases, con­sid­er­ing that prop­erly trained staff must also be hired to work with stu­dents on-line. Online edu­ca­tion is rapidly increas­ing, with the advent of new tech­nol­ogy and eas­ier access to the inter­net; even online doc­toral pro­grams have even devel­oped at lead­ing research universities.


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