Saturday, July 30, 2011

I love my Jeopardy games apparently. Had to try out the old Sega Game Gear version of the classic game show. 

The graphics are quite a bit better than the NES version, even though it looks like I'm playing as Willie Tanner from ALF. There's only one other contestant though, whether you're facing the CPU or a human.  The sound is also horrid when they try to put in verbal sound clips from the show itself. The Sega Game Gear was not powerful enough for that. 

While the game-play moves a bit slow, and the questions are dated (of course) I liked most of the answers that they asked. Decent mix up on the categories, even though I stink at a few of them.

In short, it's really not a bad version. Could be better, but I could hope all day and never get anything. If you're a Jeopardy! fan I'd give it some consideration.

Score: 7 out of 10


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