Wednesday, August 10, 2011

James Mcavoy With Wife Pictures
James Mcavoy With Wife
James Mcavoy With Wife
James Mcavoy With Wife
James Mcavoy With Wife
James Mcavoy With Wife

Everyone dreads that nasty computer virus. Many of us spending hundreds of dollars every couple of years to make sure our PCs are protected against them. If you ever used Windows, you probably have encountered problems with them at some point in time. 

However Mac users usually spout "Macs never get viruses" which is a half-truth. A virus only attacks a certain operating system, so most virus makers usually make them for Windows for their near-monopoly of the computer market. However Mac sales are going up, so don't think your trendy new computer is going to be overlooked for long. 

After an failed attempt to take back control of their state house in recall elections, Democrats haven't given up the good fight just yet. They are planning to recall the newly elected Scott Walker as soon as possible. I hope to God he gets recalled, the good people of Wisconsin don't need this douche as Governor. 

When asked what makes her stand out from other candidates, she couldn't really say that she was greedy, insane, racist, or idiotic because that of course describes nearly all the GOP presidential hopefuls. Instead she say's shes a real person, not a politician. She also stressed that all she cared about was jobs and job creation. Which I suppose is true, since the only jobs she cares about is her promotion and appointing her rich corporate friends in key governmental roles so they can self-regulate their respected markets to gain a crypto-monopoly.    

It's kinda hard to believe how far Apple has risen over the years. A decade and a half ago, they were almost a joke to the computer world. Loved by many, but mocked by so much more. Then they came out with the iPod, and then the madness started from there. Now they are worth more as a company than Big Oil's Exxon Mobil. 

I only have one Apple product, and that's my iPod Touch. I only really have it because it's my mini-computer and I'm too poor for a smartphone. I actually went into an apple store the other day, and was amazed by how many people were shopping there. They don't really sell anything different from Best Buy, just a lot of Apple employees ready to make some money. 

George Lopez gave up his time-slot to make room for Conan O'Brien's new show. However ratings have apparently sunk too low for the show, and TBS has opted not to order episodes for another season. Sad to see that happen to George Lopez, he's a pretty funny guy. Hopefully he can find work elsewhere. 

Family values weren't so hot for the Palin family during the 2008 Presidential race when it was revealed that Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol was pregnant by her worthless boyfriend. However her son Track Palin and his wife Britta Hanson just gave birth to a baby girl. Her name is Kyla Grace Palin. Now that Sarah has an new family member, maybe she can focus on improving the lifes of her own family rather than ruining the lives of other families by running for office.